Champorado Recipe Eme Eme


From a bowl of champorado to a box of jewelry, you know what makes my tummy happy and my heart full, or is the former full and the latter happy? Either way, it only means you know me. You listen to every word I say and watch every action I make. Whether it’s a brag from a small win or a rant from a bad day, you listen. From my moments of indecisiveness at the mall to my impulsive purchases at the cashier, you are there beside me. I pay. You pay attention. I have always loved that about you.

I can’t exactly remember the time I told you about my champorado obsession, but I know it happened. Since then, you have always brought me a bowl of it. You would always buy from a nearby carinderia and would ask me to meet you outside my house just to give me my favorite breakfast— champorado. You were just a graduating college student back then, and I was just a girl, feeling special with a little breakfast treat. A few months later, you discovered my favorite lunch and/or dinner— tapsilog. Our relationship was simple and we were happy.

Five years have passed and here you are, still doing the same— bringing me food whenever you can and staying right beside me wherever I go. It’s funny how we’ve grown so much and yet it seems like nothing has changed. Oh, except for our weight. Since you started working, the question is no longer whether can we eat here or there, but rather, WHEN are we going to eat here AND there.

I would say one of the things I like most about our relationship is our little trips to our go-to drive-thru restos and the must-try diners in town. Another is whenever you try to surprise me with a bag of food or a box of presents. Perhaps for most boyfriend-girlfriend couples, this is no big deal. For us, it’s something we had to wait for. I remember the first few years of our relationship where we can’t afford to buy each other presents or even celebrate special occasions at all. So last year when you gave me a sparkly gift from a jewelry store, I was very happy. I felt joy not just because of the gift itself, but also because of the thought of how you remembered that detail about me. A few days ago, I was surprised with another present. Again, I was so happy. There were no words, just big smiles and warm hugs. I was having a bad day when you gave me that anniversary gift. Seeing what’s inside the box made me happy, but knowing the story behind the gift made me happier. My heart is full.

They say that a woman’s loyalty is tested when a man has nothing, and a man’s when he has everything. I was there with you from the beginning. Now that you’re on your way to reaching your dreams, know that I will always be here regardless of how far you want to go in life. With or without presents, you are the only person I’d like to live the present with.

Thank you for your effort and patience in making our relationship work. Please know that I appreciate every little thing you do for me, for us— from waking up early in the morning to bring me a bowl of champorado to staying up late at night to talk things over and make everything better.

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